About Us

Hello and welcome to IcyFeels.com .

My name is Aquila Lams , and I have a vision to give you a valuable advices on being knowledgeable about all the Ice related works and tools out there.

This website is made with the sole purpose of making you ice related information ready. And give you an insight into the extraordinary world of Ice and it’s applications.

I was not happy at all with the current resources available around this query in the internet so far.

Therefore once I became experienced with this topic, I wanted to note down all my knowledge in to a single place.

You can consider this as my notebook about Ice and it’s beautiful world around it.

About Me

Look how chill it is out here..;)

Most of my childhood was spent in Nagaland , North Eastern India.
Then after my graduation. I started working and I moved to Graz, Austria.

We had quality beers and almost all kinds of drinks in Austria. And yes ice was an important part of our lives.

I remember the olden days where we took time to get ready ice for our home parties. And most of our homes were only having refrigerator Ice Makers.

I soon started travelling across world . I have travelled to Germany, US and so on..Also many other parts of Asia .

During my stay at various part of the world, what I started missing was the ice in my drinks.

Back then I had no clue that Ice Makers even existed separately apart from being in a refrigerator.

But It was my friend Mike who took me to his home , where I actually saw the ice makers for the first time in my life. I fell in love 😉

From then till now, there is no looking back. In Fact I have been so addicted to it and learning about different Ice machines that I have finally thought of putting down all my knowledge in the internet.

So that you don’t stay away from these valuable information.

Even if it helps a single person . I think my job is done.

Also help me by sharing your most loved content here with more people whom you want them to know.